Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Jyotiṣa or Vedic Astrology


Jyotiṣa or Vedic Astrology is the study of 'Jyoti,' which, means light in Sanskrit. Jyotiṣa, then, is a quest to understand how the light of the sun, moon and stars illuminate the self through the lifespan.

Jyotiṣa kindles our self- awareness to our subconscious patterns and the archetypes we are embodying and offers us remedial measures to balance the bhūtas within us to ensure we face the mysteries of our lives with harmony. As an esoteric science, Jyotiṣa has traditionally always concomitantly been practised with Āyurveda to restore the balance of the bhūtas that inform the well-being of the mind, body, senses and consciousness.

Jyotiṣa readings will illuminate anyone to know more about: 

  • Deeper aspects of their personality 
  • Relationships 
  • Mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing 
  • Life transitions and challenges

The Psyche-Therapeutic Process


Psyche is an ancient Greek word translated as mind, soul, spirit, prana, chi or consciousness. Psyche is what animates us and breathes life into us and helps us make sense of the surrounding world. Conversely, the psyche is also what can trouble and disturb us.


Psyche-therapy, then is a therapy that soothes the distress of the mind, body, senses and consciousness and equips an individual to skilfully navigate their internal landscape and external world of social relationships and professional responsibilities. By confronting one’s inner malaises, intruding memories, disturbing emotions and traumas, one moves beyond a state of being plagued to that of harmony. 

Working with the psyche is an alchemical process where one transforms the dark lead of one’s pain to the wisdom of illuminated awareness symbolised by the philosopher’s stone.

  • Psyche-therapy will be beneficial for anyone wishing to liberate themselves from:
  • Emotional, physical or mental stress
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Anger management
  • Eating disorders
  • Grief from the loss of a loved one
  • Feelings of loss, loneliness and/or alienation
  • Depression or lack of interest in life/every day activities
  • Relationship problems with a spouse, boss or anyone significant in your life
  • Addictions and chemical dependencies
  • Search for a deeper, existential meaning in your life
  • Recovering from surgery or severe illness
  • Coping with life transitions such as divorce, empty nest syndrome, a move or retirement

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