Saturday, 3 October 2020

Dream Remembrance, Practice Of Dreamtime in Mumbai, India


Remembering Dreams

Many indigenous societies, over space and time have given importance to dreams and have regarded them as messages from the Gods, oracles, spirit communications, a reservoir of important symbols, sources of deep wisdom and portals of spiritual experience. Different cultures, ranging from the Dream temples of the Hellenistic era to Tibetan dream yoga practices to the practice of Dreamtime, prevalent in many Australian aboriginal cultures, have given dreaming a central place in their religious and healing traditions.

Dreams represent the mytho-poetic and aesthetic processes of our psyches . . . Dreams are embodied images that reflect where we are in our lives, and what our most intimate and existential concerns, hopes, and fears are. Dreams don’t tell us what to do, but point us towards where we need to give attention to in our waking lives.

Bridging the dream life to the waking life, then, is an important kernel of psyche-therapeutic work as dreams are, as stated by Freud, “ the royal road to the unconscious.”

I always encourage my clients to remember and record their dreams in a dream journal and often facilitate them in processing their dreams in sessions so as to allow for a deeper, self-illuminating process.

Yet, often clients complain that they cannot remember their dreams, if this might be the case, please refer to the below link to allow for dream remembrance.

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